Join or Renew Your Membership
Joining the Lake Macquarie Field Archers club provides members with unlimited access to the club practice range, the opportunity to compete in club events, participate in interclub and away shoots, and receive guidance and support.
While competition is not required, many archers find that participating—even just to challenge themselves—helps improve their skills.
Newcomers to the club and 3D archery are welcome to attend up to three club shoots before deciding whether to join. A limited number of compound and recurve bows are available for hire at $10 per day.
There are 3 age divisions for young archers.
- CUB JUNIOR for boys and girls 7 years and under
- CUB for boys aged 8 to 11 years, and girls aged 8 to 12 years
- YOUTH for boys 12 to 17 and girls 13 to 17
Age for advancement is determined by the age of the archer as of January 1 each year.
Members are able to obtain a gate key to the club grounds after a probationary period of 3 months.
Cost for a key is $40 (with $20 refundable deposit on surrender of the key).
For insurance purposes, all shooters at our club (after their introductory 3 free shoots), whether members of our club or not, must be members of our national body, the 3D Archery Association of Australia (3DAAA). You can join 3DAAA online via their website at